' Dancing Fox - Events


 Private parties

 Regarding our Banquet room .

We offer 3  options

1.  Lunch party  Hours between11:30 to 3:30   

There is a $2000. minimum fee for the Venue, food service and non-alcoholic beverages. Fee is up to 40 people.  Menu will be discussed.    

2.  Sunday brunch 10am till 1pm. Includes most everything same as our regular brunch except the omelet station.  Minimum fee $2400. Up to 40 ppl.

3. Dinner party  Hours between 5 to 9pm.  There is a $3000. minimum fee. up to 40 ppl.  

Buffet style food service with many options to choose from.  Beer, Wine and Spirits are available for additional fee.  Gratuity and tax not included. No outside food or drink allowed.  

If interested contact us at dancingfoxwinery@gmail.com**

Coming Soon

 Wine Club Release Party   

Sunday February 23  , 2024

11:30am to 3pm

Location: Banquet room and Outside tables at Dancing Fox

Theme: TBD --Food served till 2:45pm 

25 to 50% Case discounts on selected wines, growler fills $5.00

If you are coming please RSVP and let us know quantity.  Member and Significant other are free

Extra guests  $30 each. 

Please check your credit card status before the party to help the process go smoothly and avoid lines.   You can log into your account using your email as your username to update your card on file. Go to dancingfoxlodi.com and click log-in)